Best Cash Registers

Review & Comparison, Last Update August 31, 2024
If you plan to start a product-based business, like for example opening a store or a cafe, you won't go far without having a cash ...Read more

All the system components are interchangeable, so you can configure them according to your own requirements.


The software requires monthly charges.


It's an up-to-date POS system that will make your accounting totally convenient. Any transaction will be super fast and simple!

detailed parameters
Point of sale system
Data input
10.1" touchscreen display

Several software versions with various functions and capabilities are available

Receipt printing
Separate thermal printer
Cash storage

Lock-up drawer, 5 bill slots, 6 coin slots

1 year

The operator display shows the total sum and the names of the checked items.


Programming this cash register might seem quite difficult.


The Casio PCR-T2300 is a professional cash register the multiple functions and capabilities of which are ideal for large sales points like supermarkets.

detailed parameters
Standard register
Data input

10-line operator LCD display
2 X 2 built-in pop-up rear customer display


200 programmable departments, 7000 PLUs, 50 clerk numbers

Receipt printing
Built-in thermal printer
Cash storage

Lockable drawer, 5 bill slots, 5 coin slots

1 year

This cash register features a compartment for receipts and other items.


The printer works slowly and noisily.


It's a great entry-level cash register but it features all the essential functions to be a fitting choice for small retail outlets.

detailed parameters
Standard register
Data input
8-digit LED operator display
8 programmed departments, 80 PLUs, 4 clerk numbers
Receipt printing
Built-in ink printer
Cash storage

Lockable drawer, 4 bill slots, 5 coin slots

1 year

The Sharp cash register directly connects to POS units for simplifying the transactions.


Despite an easy programming, the instruction manual isn't detailed enough.


This handy cash register with Quickbooks and Pro software will become an irreplaceable assistant in accounting and business management.

detailed parameters
Standard register
Data input
3.7" LED operator display
Customer display
99 programmed departments, 2500 PLUs, 25 clerk numbers
Receipt printing
Built-in thermal printer
Cash storage

Lockable drawer, 4 bill slots, 5 coin slots

1 year

The device can be powered by 4 AA batteries and work up to 12 hours autonomously.


The settings reset to default when the register is unplugged.


It's a portable cash register that will satisfy businesspeople engaged in street vending and trading off the power supply.

detailed parameters
Standard register
Data input
9-digit LED operator display
8 programmable departments, 99 PLUs, 4 clerk numbers
Receipt printing
Built-in ink printer
Cash storage

Lockable drawer, 4 bill slots, 5 coin slots

1 year

Move With the Times

This cash register by POSimplicity is a fully-fledged POS system for carrying out transactions and it includes all the components for that. Speaking about additional components, we can't avoid a barcode scanner that quickly identifies a product by its code. The register is highly convenient for retail outlets with multiple departments. The heart of this system is a 10" touchscreen for processing customers' orders and compiling receipts. This screen offers an advanced reporting and inventory tracking. Any procedure will be super easy as it needs only a touch. The operation of POSimplicity depends on the software installed. The additional thermal printer provides sales slips and easily connects to the system via USB port. This printer is pretty handy since it's not integrated into the system and can be easily serviced in case of a failure.

Choose What You Need

You need to buy special software for this POS system, and POSimplicity offers a few versions of it. We are sure you will get the one you need, so we won't describe each version but highlight the main functions you'll get whatever you choose. The touchscreen is Android-based and you'll be able to get a front-end app that allows calling customers. Products can be categorized by departments for greater convenience. You'll be able to find any item in seconds, having typed first letters in the search box. As for the discount system, the register is able to provide them for selected products, as well as the entire receipt. The software allows reviewing daily reports and taxes as well as checking the stock. What is more, you'll be able to monitor the sales from your phone via the POS app or any other device connected to the Internet.

On the whole, we believe that this POS system is appropriate for trade outlets like bars and restaurants, as well as online stores for monitoring orders and for a ring-up of customers.

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For Daily Business

Casio PCR-T2300 is a cash register manufactured by one of the most well-known producers of computing machinery. It combines a staggering functionality and an elegant design. The keys are a bit protruded to allow a quick and comfortable typing of codes and commands. The keyboard features 30 department keys. The "DEPT SHIFT/DEPT" button will let you use set the numbers for 200 departments and manage them for quick product identification and faster cash register use. Moreover, the device allows programming up to 7000 PLUs for superbly fast sales. The device features two data output displays. One of them is tiltable and provides an operator with comprehensive purchase data, while another one can be turned towards a buyer to see the transaction total. We should note that this display provides the product price and name and we think it's pretty convenient. Each sales check is duplicated by the printer, one for a buyer and another for controlling agencies. In addition, all the data of each buying is memorized for further viewing.

This cash register can be recommended to owners of large stores and supermarkets. If you deal with fruit and vegetables, the Casio register's programmable functions will let you sell all items properly.

A Bit About PLUs

Most contemporary cash registers feature PLU codes and we will gladly help you figure out what they are. The PLU code system is controlled by the International Federation for Produce Standards and has been in force since 2001. A lot of countries adopted this system. There are several obligatory requirements to products for meeting these standards. An organic product must be a fruit or a vegetable and has to be sold loose or apiece for a PLU assignment. Also, the products should be classified by type and size. In addition, items are to be made by a few producers, and if a product is unique, it cannot be identified by a PLU.

Curious Fact

When a PLU code is assigned to an organic product, it gets a five-digit number starting from 9. For example, bananas are tagged by PLU 4011, hence organic bananas get PLU 94011. The GMO eatables receive "8" in front of a PLU number.

More Products to Consider

Consider buying a barcode scanner for an instant PLU reading and a quick attending to lots of customers.

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Ideal Assistant for Small Business

Sharp proudly presents its incredibly small and usable entry-level cash register. This device is wonderful for a set of essential functions for customer service and report making. We should say that the unit can be used by 4 operators and each is able to account and report sales under specific ID. The register features 8 programmed departments for classifying the products by types. If you are a greengrocer, you'll be pleased by 80 PLU codes this register maintains. They serve for immediate identification of goods, saving you time for attending to buyers. The buttons of this cash register are quite big, hence typing codes and other data will be comfortable. Moreover, the buttons can be removed for cleaning or replacement. The register is equipped with a drawer integrated into the device's body. The drawer has a slot for a quick handling of receipts and bills, so you won't have to drag the drawer each time to put the bill in.

We believe, the Sharp XEA107 is ideal for medium businesses. Having the essential capabilities and being easy-to-use, this cash register will be a great assistant in your dealings. A plain and space-saving design of this machine make it fit for any checkout area.

Historical Fact

The world's first cash register was designed by James Ritty who opened his private saloon in 1871. The establishment was pretty popular, though Ritty's earnings weren't impressive owing to the personnel embezzlement. He hired new employees but stealing continued and then he decided to make a machine for sales tracking. Being on a ship, he noticed the machine counting the ship's propeller revolutions, then he conceived the first cash register. Having returned home, James Ritty and his brother invented the machine with buttons indicating dollars and cents and recorded the sales on a special disc. It's noteworthy that such an unusual machine of that time boosted Ritty's profits and promoted his saloon even more. Afterward, Ritty improved his device and patented the new model in 1879. His subsequent machines could show prices and the last version was able to punch sum total of buyings on paper. That was the 4th model and it was picked for a serial production.

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Handy Solution For Your Busienss

The Sharp XEA207 is a professional cash register with unique sales control and tracking systems. It includes 90 programmable departments to enable easier identification of produce. These departments allow dividing the ware into categories and get sales reports for everyone. The register also handles tax rates and maintains 4 tax tables or 4 add-ons. Provided with a user-friendly menu, you'll be able to program all the functions and transactions. The system software should be downloaded to an SD card and then installed on the register. By the way, the software exclusively offers Sharp's Graphics Tool for making unique logos for receipts. As we believe, this device is a great opportunity to promote your business and make your receipts special and memorable.

Thought-out to Every Single Detail

The Sharp designers equipped this cash register with accessory elements and features to make the use unbelievably easy. In particular, we'd like to hail the unit's connectivity to POS systems. If you wish to facilitate the transactions, connect a POS to the register and avoid typing codes at each sale. The Sharp register is great for both buyer and seller as it is fitted with 2 displays. The 3.7" 8-digit display is meant for the operator, while the 7-digit display shows the total purchase sum. What is more, the device can be connected to an SD card for backing the sales reports and other accounting data up.

Thus, we can definitely state that this cash register suits for various lines of business. Any trade facility with such a device will be equally efficient for cashiers and buyers.

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Portability as an Advantage

Any seller might face the need for vending goods right in the street or services. What to do if each sale has to be registered and no electricity is available? Royal suggests its solution, the Royal 115CX cash register capable of working autonomously. The device can run for 12 hours if powered by 4 АА batteries and will provide secure storage and registration of all the sales data. Naturally, the unit comes with the AC adapter for connection to the mains. The cash register features the handy lockable drawer to prevent the money. Furthermore, the drawer can be removed to give you extra space for storing bills. The software allows using the register by 4 operators and 99 programmable PLU codes simplify searching the items in the database during a checkout.

All the above confirms that this seemingly plain cash register is a worthwhile seller's assistant. After all, it is just essential for street vendors and retail outlets without electric power.

A Look At the Past

NCR is one of the most famous companies making equipment for retail, banking, tourism, and medicine. The company was founded by John Henry Patterson in 1884. He started with buying a patent of James Ritty, the godfather of cash registers. Despite Ritty invented the first ever cash register, Patterson made it popular with businesspeople. Within his enterprise, Patterson opened the engineering department engaged in the development and improvement of cash registers. He was confused to see that cash registers by other brands featured no drawers. So, Patterson decided to become the leading seller of cash registers and started to squeeze his competitors out of this business, sometimes even acting unfairly. Over the years, NCR became an industry leader. Nowadays, we can find POS systems, cash machines, barcode scanners produced by NCR all over the world.

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Pick one of our label makers to attach stickers to your goods.

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What is a Cash Register

Cash registers are devices designed for accounting the payment transactions between a seller and a customer. These units prove payments by people for certain goods or services. Cash registers also serve for creating and printing receipts for sellers and supervision services like tax inspectorate. All trading outlets and entities use cash registers, and if you decided to get one, read our review where we have picked the best models.

If you wish to make your retail outlet as comfortable for customers as possible, consider our reviews of barcode scanners, receipt printers, and credit card readers.

What Features to Compare


If you need to get a cash register, deciding on its type is essential. It depends on the transactions you are going to carry out. All cash registers are divided into two types, standard registers and point of sale (POS) systems with advanced capabilities. Standard registers are easy-to-use, feature a plain design and a long lifetime without any software updates. POS systems are devices with advanced functions and marketing tools. For example, they are able to handle discount customer programs and provide detailed reports about sales and other operations. Also, consider the usability of a cash register, particularly data input and output. Usually, cash registers come with keyboards for the input of item codes. However, some modern cash registers feature touchscreens that allow carrying out the transactions in a more convenient way.


The software is a highly important feature of any cash register. It determines the type of operations and reports it is able to conduct. Check if a cash register is able to sort goods by departments. For example, if you own a small shop, dividing the products by departments allows simpler selling and registration of transactions. In addition, this allows handling a few tax rates in a single register and separate cash and cashless settlements. The price look-up codes (PLUs) programmed or programmable by a cash register enable easier product control. Also,  a multi-user operation would be a useful function as it allows using a cash register by several operators and making sales reports for each of them.


It's significant to pay attention to accessory components of a cash register. A built-in or standalone printer allows printing customer receipts as well as sales reports. Printers come in different types, though thermal printers are considered the best since they need no ink refilling and are easy to use. A drawer is a crucial component of any cash register as it keeps all the revenue. A drawer must be lockable to prevent unauthorized access.


1. Falice Chin How to Choose a Cash Register, Houston Chronicle.

2. Compare the Different Types of Cash Register, Expert Market.

3. 4. How to Choose the Best Point of Sale Cash Register App for Your Business, Lightspeed. June 18, 2015.

4. How to Buy a Cash Register, eBay. June 9, 2014.

5. Price look-up code, Wikipedia. November 3, 2016.

6. Matthew Hudson Cash Registers vs. Point of Sale (POS) Systems, The Balance. February 1, 2017.

7. How to Use a Cash Register, wikiHow.

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