How to Choose a Vacuum for Pet Family

Last update June 25, 2021

Do you have larger pets in your home, including dogs and cats? If so, then you are probably more than well aware of what kind of mess they can leave behind. Even the cleanest and most careful of these pets will inadvertently leave behind tons of hair, which gets embedded in the carpet, making it nearly impossible to fully clean away. It is even worse if your pets spend any time outdoors, as they will inevitably track in dirt and grime that will get trapped in carpet just as easily as pet hair.

Anyone who has had to deal with these kinds of messes can tell you that even many of the best cordless vacuums simply aren’t up to the task of thoroughly cleaning pet hair, grime, and dander out of a carpet, but thankfully there are certain models that can help you keep your house spotless even with a large horde of pets. Here we will take a look at which vacuum will do the best job of letting you keep your home clean and healthy for your family and your pets.

How to Clean Up After Your Pets

Before we start talking about any specific vacuums for cleaning pet hair, we think it is a good idea to give some general tips on how to best clean your house with pets in it. After all, pets do tend to leave behind different kinds of messes than humans, and those who haven’t had much experience with cleaning up after pets before can probably use all of the advice they can get! Even experienced pet owners can benefit here, as there may be some tips that they simply haven’t thought of before. Regardless of which category you fit in, read on for our best recommendations on how to keep a house full of pets clean. Many of these recommendations will work equally well for both dogs and cats.

Pet Food Placement

One of the primary areas that will need to be cleaned most often is where you feed your pets. With most pet owners, they often see the kitchen as the best area for this due to a number of reasons. For one, it is often the closest to where the pet food is kept, and also, the tiled floor of most kitchens seems to be the easiest place to clean up spilled food and water. Just putting your dog or cat food bowls directly on the kitchen floor, though, is often a bad idea. Remember that dogs and cats both have paws and not hands, and they almost always eat strictly with their mouths, so spilled food and water is pretty much a guarantee, no matter how careful your pet is when feeding. Also, the design of many kitchens doesn’t often allow for a good out-of-the-way area to place their feeding bowls, which can often lead to them being accidentally kicked.

For keeping your pet’s eating area clean, it is best to find a good out-of-the-way area that doesn’t attract a lot of foot traffic so your pet can eat in peace. Furthermore, placing the food and water bowls on a rubberized pad will allow the dishes to maintain a firm footing while also making it much easier to clean up any mess left behind by your pet. Since any food or water spills will end up on the mat rather than directly on the floor, you’ll have to worry much less about food getting stuck in a carpet or between floor tiles.

Use Furniture Covers

Whether you have a dog or a cat, it is inevitable that your pet will end up spending a lot of time on much of your furniture, especially any couches or chairs that you have. Since pet hair will often get caught up in upholstery, and especially since it is quite difficult to clean out of it once it ends up there, it is a great idea to utilize covers for any furniture that your pet will end up spending time on. Finding covers for your couch or your favorite chair shouldn’t be difficult, but if you’re well-practiced with a sewing machine, then you can easily make your own, allowing you to choose your own fabric that matches the colors of the upholstery. 

Get a Dog or Cat Bed

Anyone who has ever had either a dog or a cat can tell you how much their pets love sleeping on a padded surface. This is why pet beds are so popular. Since most of them are quite cheap and also will be plenty comfortable for your pet, getting one should be a no-brainer. Having a dedicated area for your pet to sleep will go a long way towards keeping their hair and dander from getting caught up in your carpet or upholstery, thus making it much easier to keep your house clean and smelling fresh.

Litter Box Maintenance

Anyone who has a cat that is strictly an indoor pet will also have to have a litter box. Just due to the nature of litter, the area around the litter box can quickly get messy, especially if your cat is one that is often overzealous with kicking the litter around after doing its business. What we generally recommend is using a covered litter box if at all possible, as this can go a long way towards helping to keep stray litter from finding its way onto your carpet. 

Of course, litter box maintenance comes down to more than just having a cover over it. Making sure that you keep the litter box clean is also an important step. If a litter box gets too full, this can cause a much bigger mess due to a variety of reasons, so we recommend making sure that you clean out the litter box at least once daily as well as changing out the litter once a week. With a fresh-smelling and clean litter box, your pet will be much more inclined to use it rather than doing its business in places where it shouldn’t.

Best Pet Vacuum

Even though you now have a good selection of tips on how to keep your house clean even with pets, having a good vacuum that you can use to clean up after them is still a necessity. You should be aware, though, that not all vacuums will be ideal for this job. For instance, many cordless stick vacuums will often lack the necessary power or features for thoroughly cleaning up pet hair and dander, and even regular push vacuums can have a tough time doing this. What you need is a vacuum that is specifically made for cleaning up after pets. What we recommend for you is the Toppin Vacuum Cleaner, a cordless stick vacuum that excels in cleaning up pet messes where most other types of vacuums will fail. Not only is this an excellent vacuum for those with pets, but it also is a bargain, especially if you use the code “Bestadvisor15” in order to get 15% off of its regular retail price. As you will see below, this vacuum has a number of features that will allow you to keep your home clean, even if you have pets that tend to leave a mess.

Powerful Suction

Thanks to the 250W motor, which is unusually powerful for a cordless stick vacuum, this model gives you plenty of suctioning power for cleaning up virtually any kind of mess. The suction power of this vacuum is measured at 23KPa, which gives the vacuum the ability to quickly and easily remove cat litter, pet dander, hair, and other types of dirt and grime from almost any kind of surface. In addition, the brushless motor in combination with the improved roller and carpet brush allows for use on even the most stubborn of surface types, whether you are using it on a hardwood or tiled floor, or on a carpet of almost any length.

Highly Efficient Air Filtration

One of the bigger complaints that many allergy-sufferers have about vacuums is that they tend to kick up a fair amount of dirt and dander, thus increasing the chances of your allergies being kicked off while vacuuming. Thankfully, you won’t have this problem with this model due to its highly efficient air filtration system, which prevents the risk of any kind of secondary air pollution to occur inside your home while cleaning. This also helps immensely in giving your home a fresh, clean smell free of odors.

Strong Battery

A common complaint that many people have about cordless stick vacuums is that they simply don’t have powerful enough batteries to allow for a thorough cleaning before the unit needs to be recharged. With this model, that complaint will be a thing of the past thanks to the powerful 6 x 2200mAh batteries included in the unit. With this type of battery power, you will get up to 34 minutes of running time for cleaning up even the toughest messes, and all with a recharge time of only 3 to 5 hours. 

Convenient Design

The designers of this vacuum know that a powerful model shouldn’t be a pain to operate, and have thus designed this vacuum to be easily operated and very convenient to use. The 4 LED lights on the front of the unit give you maximum visibility even when vacuuming in dark corners, while the 180° rotatable floor brush allows for vacuuming at virtually any angle, giving you the ability to easily vacuum hard-to-reach spots that are normally inaccessible to other models. Even the handle of the unit has an ergonomic design, letting you do a full cleaning without tiring out your arm or hand.


Not all vacuums are made the same, as any pet owner can testify, and having the right model is essential for keeping a clean home. With the Toppin Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner, you have the means of keeping your home clean and providing a safe, healthy, and happy environment both for your pets and your whole family.