Choose the Right Encrypted Flash Drive for You

Last update July 9, 2019

Are you needing to find a secure method of storing your data while allowing it to be carried with you at all times? If so, the best option for this is to store your data on an encrypted flash drive. Read about some of the different methods of portable data storage and see why an encrypted flash drive is the best choice.

Portable Storage Options

In this day and age, it is hard to find anyone who doesn’t own at least one USB flash drive, let alone those who haven’t even heard of one. Long gone are the days where good portable storage that is safe and secure was just a pipe dream. Many of the portable storage options of years past had many of their own faults. Floppy drives had very limited storage capacity and were slow. CD and DVD media could be slow as well as not being very durable. And these, along with virtually all other methods of portable storage, were anything but secure. There was simply no way that portable storage could keep your files safe from prying eyes, at least not without the need of extra software that could encrypt the files for you.

USB storage has helped solve many of the issues that were present with older portable storage options. These drives come with a variety of storage capacities, giving users plenty of options in choosing the right capacity for their needs. They are also highly portable, and in fact much more so than any other portable storage option that has ever existed. And they also tend to be quite durable, provided that the drives aren’t mishandled or abused. But one thing that most USB flash drives fail on is security. The ability to plug in a USB flash drive to virtually any computer or device with a USB port also means that unauthorized users have easy access to your data if it is not secured in some way.

Keeping Your Data Secure

USB flash drives, with their convenience, tend to also not be very secure. There is the physical security aspect of them, where, with being so small, people tend to lose these drives quite often. On top of that, their common connectivity options mean that anyone with a computer can access your data on the drive, which would be a disaster if there is important or confidential information on that drive that should be kept away from prying eyes. While it is possible to encrypt the data on a USB flash drive, doing so can be an extremely slow process with virtually any encryption program. What’s more, the data can often still be accessed by a determined hacker, with the encryption brute forced. Furthermore, any malware that happens to be on the drive can automatically compromise the data, regardless of its encryption. In short, most USB flash drives are far from ideal in terms of data security.

The obvious solution to the data security options of USB flash drives is by using good encrypted flash drives that use hardware encryption. These drives offer a huge security advantage over standard USB flash drives in that they use hardware rather than software encryption, meaning that there is no necessary lengthy encryption process whenever files are transferred to or from the drive. These drives are typically made for high security situations where people absolutely need to keep the data safe and secure, eliminating every type of threat to the security of the data.

Benefits of Encrypted Flash Drives

Encrypted flash drives have an enormous advantage over other storage options for a variety of reasons. After seeing these benefits for yourself, you should agree that encrypted flash drives are the way to go for keeping your data secure while remaining portable.

  • Storage Capacity - Encrypted flash drives, just like regular USB flash drives, come in a variety of sizes, which lets you choose the right storage capacity for the data that you need to store. What’s more, if the size you choose turns out to not be large enough, you can always get a second drive without sacrificing the portability of the data.
  • Hardware Encryption - While a standard USB flash drive can be encrypted, doing so can be a time-consuming process, especially if there is data already on the drive. What’s more, software encryption often works much slower than hardware encryption, so transferring files will often take much longer.
  • OS Independent - Although most computers still use the Windows operating system, in recent years other operating systems have rapidly gained in popularity, including Mac OS X and Linux. Using an encrypted flash drive ensures that you can keep compatibility with most operating systems by not tying it down to a specific operating system’s encryption.
  • Multiple Security Layers - Encryption is hardly the only security feature used with many encrypted flash drives. On top of the encryption, many of these types of drives offer several different security layers to ensure that a security breach of one layer doesn’t compromise your data.
  • Standards Compliance - In many situations where an encrypted flash drive may be needed, such as any office with highly sensitive information, many strict security standards are enforced. Many encrypted flash drives are made to meet even the most stringent security standards.
  • No Online Presence - Encrypted flash drives are usually stored offline, meaning that your data isn’t constantly exposed to the Internet. This adds an extra layer of security that such other options such as cloud storage simply can’t provide.

As you can see, these benefits, along with many more, show why an encrypted flash drive is superior to many other methods of data protection.

SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT Encrypted Flash Drive

For those who are looking for the best encrypted flash drive available, the SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT is simply unrivaled in terms of its features and security. This encrypted flash drive offers numerous advantages over not only regular USB flash drives, but over many other encrypted flash drives as well. Let’s take a look at some of the features that this encrypted flash drive offers that makes it the best choice over all others.


Here are some of the basic specifications of this flash drive to give you an overview of its capabilities:

  • 64 GB of storage
  • Remote Wipe - data can be remotely wiped if the drive is lost or stolen
  • Unlock via Mobile App - Use your mobile device to unlock the storage
  • Plug and Play Ready for Any Operating System
  • FIPS 140-2 Compliance - Secure enough for Government Offices
  • IP57 Certified Dust and Water Resistant
  • Built-in Antivirus Protection by ESET

As you can see, this encrypted flash drive offers a number of features built-in that provide extra durability and security for your data.

Storage Capacity

The SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT comes with 64 GB of built-in storage, giving you plenty of storage space for plenty of data. This means that all kinds of data, ranging from small text files to huge videos, should find plenty of storage space available on this drive.

Hardware Encryption

Unlike a standard USB flash drive that requires software encryption for keeping data secure, the SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT includes built-in military grade AES256-bit hardware encryption that is secure enough to keep out even the most determined hackers. All data passed to the drive is automatically encrypted by the built-in hardware, meaning that you don’t have to worry about performing the encryption yourself.

OS Compatibility

If you are someone who commonly uses several different computer and mobile platforms, then there is no need to worry about this drive’s compatibility. The SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT is compatible with almost all modern operating systems, including all versions of Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, along with many other operating systems. This drive can even be used with some mobile devices that include built-in USB ports, giving you no shortage of methods of accessing the stored data without compromising its security.

Multiple Security Layers

As mentioned before, the built-in encryption of this flash drive is not the only security layer that it has. The drive is able to be unlocked by using a 7 to 15 digit passcode that you can program yourself, giving you a secure password known only to you. The drive can also be unlocked remotely by using the mobile app from your smartphone or tablet, giving you the only set of keys to the device. Along with these features, there is also a Remote Wipe option through the mobile app that lets you completely wipe all data from the drive should it become lost or stolen, ensuring that no spying eyes will be laid on your data.

Standards Compliance

There are a large number of people looking for good encrypted flash drives that work in secure facilities, including government agencies and private companies that handle very sensitive data. The SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT is compliant with the FIPS 140-2 security standard, ensuring that this drive is secure enough for even the most demanding security protocols.

Built-in Antivirus

Even an encrypted flash drive can fall prey to malware. Thanks to the built-in USB Antivirus by ESET, your files can be automatically scanned and safeguarded from any type of malware, including viruses, spyware, and trojans, ensuring that no hackers will ever lay their hands on your data.


Today, data security is more important than ever, with all of the publicized leaks and data breaches that we hear about in the news. Thankfully, those who need to safeguard their data from unauthorized access while still keeping it portable have an excellent data storage option in the SecureData 64GB SecureUSB BT encrypted flash drive. With this device, no longer do you have to worry about keeping your data safe while retaining access to it. No matter where you are, you can rest assured that your data is stored safely and securely.